
Generations At Work

By Claire Raines

Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials each have unique work ethics, management perspectives, idiosyncratic styles, and different ways of viewing their role in the world. Assembling an effective team can be challenging and rewarding. Here's how...
by mcnpAfkdxd

The Culture Code

By Daniel Coyle

Company culture can be one of the most misunderstood and under-appreciated elements of success. In this terrific book, Daniel Coyle reveals what's really important, and how to foster a culture that helps your team thrive.
by mcnpAfkdxd

Build an A Team

By Whitney Johnson

It's simple: your business will never grow without a team working together. How far and fast that growth will occur is based entirely on the quality of your team. So don't settle for mediocre employees. Aim higher - aim to build an A team. Read on to learn how.
by mcnpAfkdxd